The Libraries’ role in promoting open and inclusive education: access to information
Considering OER definition we recognize their value; however, they may not easily be found by faculty or learners to improve their education. Librarians can support faculty and learners by providing instruction in information and digital literacy, advising on copyright matters and open licenses, encouraging their creation and use, fostering accessibility and visibility, as well as curating and ensuring its quality.
The webinar will explore the Education 2030 Framework for Action that was adopted by 184 UNESCO Member States on 4 November 2015 in Paris, recognizing the important role of education the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights education as a stand-alone goal (SDG 4). Also, in November 2019 the Recommendation on OER (Open Education Resources) was adopted unanimously by the UNESCO General Conference at its 40th session, which supports the creation, use and adaptation of inclusive and quality OER, and facilitates international cooperation in this field.
Towards 2030 and the agenda for education, arises a new vision to transform the role of education as a main driver of development. The UNESCO Recommendation on OER constitutes a decisive step towards building more open and inclusive knowledge societies towards the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal Quality Education (SDG 4)
Target Audience
Librarians, Educators, Researchers, Information Workers, Non-profit organizations or NGOs, Community Based Organizations, government representatives from education and health sectors; technology companies, and society in general interested in the education, wellness, and improvement of communities.